New Stock for Christmas batch 1



This is an exclusive preview of what is to come. Click on the images below to enlarge.

Any of you already running on-line store are probably aware adding new products is super time consuming and requires hours of dedication. With the festive season knocking on our door we have decided to give you an inside look before anyone else.  As the first lot of products is being added you can order anything from images now. Just indicate desired items for price. 

Please, also take into account this email is read by respectable number of followers so I especially would like to draw your attention as the new stock had been road tested and I am extremely satisfied with the results. More is to come in the exquisite top end price range but do indicate your interest as I am operating per recommendations given by some of you and as my list is reaching 700 I may not always be able to call personally unless you call me first or reply to my email. 

Take action NOW! If I cannot see you next week, request a parcel. Regular customers in more remote parts may use SOR if the option is enabled on your accounts.

Phone orders are being taken call 01204 895 514